GIT tips and tricks: Difference between revisions

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== Display progress ==
<code>git add --verbose .</code>
== Push new branch to server ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
#Push your new branch to server
#On new branch computer or node
$git push -u origin new-branch
#On server, verify the new branch
git pull --all
Git branch -a  # user should be able to show the new-branch
== Remove directory ==
== Remove directory ==
<code>git rm -r --cached foldername</code>
<code>git rm -r --cached foldername</code>

Latest revision as of 17:23, 18 May 2024

Display progress

git add --verbose .

Push new branch to server

#Push your new branch to server 

#On new branch computer or node
$git push -u origin new-branch

#On server, verify the new branch 
git pull --all
Git branch -a  # user should be able to show the new-branch

Remove directory

git rm -r --cached foldername
