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StorCLI is a command line tool for the administration of MegaRAID Controllers and the successor of MegaCLI.

More background and overall introduction is available this old document

Install storcli under Ubuntu

  1. Download the latest version of storecli from Broadcom URL then unzip the zip file.
  2. Unzip will create folder name storcli_rel and this folder containes
  3. Again, unzip under the storcli_rel folder then it creates Unified_storcli_all_os folder which contains installable package to support various version of operating system.
  4. For Ubuntu, move to Unbuntu folder under the unzipped folder name Unified_storcli_all_os, e.g, Unified_storcli_all_os/Ubuntu
  5. Install Debian packages. By default, storcli64 executable file will be installed at /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64
$ sudo dpkg -i storcli_rel/Unified_storcli_all_os/Ubuntu/*.deb   #example to install deb package

# To verify storcli installation
$dpkg -l | grep -i storecli 

# Default storcli command will be installed at By default, storcli64 executable file will be installed at /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64
  • Administrator can add /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64 to $PATH or create symbolic link to exist $PATH such as /usr/local/bin
  • HPCMATE storage system has symbolic link at /usr/loca/bin/storcli -> /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64

Storcli vs Megacli

Although Storcli is successor of MegaCLI, StorCLI command syntax does not compatible with MegaCLI. this Broadcom page describes the difference between MegaCLI and StorCLI

Storcli Commands

Storcli command should be used as root priviliges otherwise command result is not successful without any error message.
$ storcli show      #cli without priviliges
CLI Version = 007.2310.0000.0000 Nov 02, 2022
Operating system = Linux 5.4.0-153-generic
Status Code = 0
Status = Success
Description = None

Number of Controllers = 0
Host Name = shannon-nas
Operating System  = Linux 5.4.0-153-generic

$ sudo storcli show    ##cli with priviliges
CLI Version = 007.2310.0000.0000 Nov 02, 2022
Operating system = Linux 5.4.0-153-generic
Status Code = 0
Status = Success
Description = None

Number of Controllers = 1
Host Name = shannon-nas
Operating System  = Linux 5.4.0-153-generic

System Overview :

Ctl Model                   Ports PDs DGs DNOpt VDs VNOpt BBU sPR DS  EHS ASOs Hlth 
  0 AVAGOMegaRAIDSAS9361-8i     8   6   0     0   0     0 N/A On  1&2 Y      3 Opt  

Ctl=Controller Index|DGs=Drive groups|VDs=Virtual drives|Fld=Failed
PDs=Physical drives|DNOpt=Array NotOptimal|VNOpt=VD NotOptimal|Opt=Optimal
Msng=Missing|Dgd=Degraded|NdAtn=Need Attention|Unkwn=Unknown
sPR=Scheduled Patrol Read|DS=DimmerSwitch|EHS=Emergency Spare Drive
Y=Yes|N=No|ASOs=Advanced Software Options|BBU=Battery backup unit/CV
Hlth=Health|Safe=Safe-mode boot|CertProv-Certificate Provision mode
Chrg=Charging | MsngCbl=Cable Failure

Storcli Commands Summary

Type Description Example
System Commands show system status storcli show

storcli show all

storcli show ctrlcount

storcli show help

storcli -v

Controller Commands show and set controller properties

Syntax :

storcli /cx show <property>

storcli /cx set <property>=<value>

where x is controller number
  • storcli /cx show
  • storcli /cx show all
  • storcli /cx show freespace
  • storcli /cx set rebuildrate=<value>
  • storcli /cx show rebuildrate
Drive Commands information and perform actions related to physical drives

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show storcli /cx[/ex]/sx set properties where,

  • c specifies the controller #.
  • e specifies the enclosure ID.
  • s represents the slot in the enclosure.
  • e:s-x is the range convention used to represent slots s to x in the enclosure e.
Sets physical drive properties
  • missing: Sets the drive status as missing.
  • good: Sets the drive status to unconfigured good.
  • offline: Sets the drive status to offline.
  • online: Sets the drive status to online.

Shows virtual drive information

  • all: shows all properties of the physical drive
Virtual Drives Commands Creates/Delete/Set/Show virtual drives
Foreign Configurations Commands
BIOS-Related Commands
Drive Group Commands
Dimmer Switch Commands Dimmer Switch is the power-saving policy for the virtual drive
BBU Commands
Enclosure Commands
PHY Commands
Logging Commands generate and maintain log files
Properties for Show and Set Commands
Property Name Set Command Range Description
abortcconerror on|off Aborts consistency check when it detects an inconsistency.
activityforlocate on|off Enables/disables drive activity, drive activity locates function for systems without SGPIO/SES capabilities.
alarm on|off|silence

silence: Silences the alarm

Enables/disables alarm on critical errors
backplane 0: Use autodetect logic of backplanes,

such as SGPIO and I2C SEP using GPIO


1: Disable autodetect SGPIO.

2: Disable I2C SEP autodetect.

3: Disable both the autodetects.

Configures enclosure detection on a non-SES/expander


batterywarning on|off Enables/disables battery warnings
bgirate 0 to 100 Sets background initialization rate in percentage.
cacheflushint 0 to 255, default value 4 Sets cache flush interval in seconds
ccrate 0 to 100 Sets consistency check rate in percentage
coercion 0: No coercion

1: 128 MB

2: 1 GB

Sets drive capacity in coercion mode
consistencycheck See Consistency Check. See Consistency Check.
copyback on|off

type = smartssd|smarthdd|all

smartssd: Copy back enabled for SSD


smarthdd: Copy back enabled for HDD


all: Copy back enabled for both ssd

drives and HDD drives.


storcli /cx set copyback=on


Enables/disables copy back for drive types.
directpdmapping on|off Enables/disables direct physical drive mapping. When

enclosures are used, this feature is disabled; otherwise it

should be enabled.

eccbucketleakrate 0 to 65535 Sets leak rate of the single-bit bucket in minutes (one

entry removed per leak-rate).

eccbucketsize 0 to 255 Sets size of ECC single-bit-error bucket (logs event

when full).

enableeghsp on|off Enables/disables the commissioning of otherwise

incompatible global hot spare drives as Emergency Hot

Spare (EHSP) drives

enableesmarter on|off Enables/disables the commissioning of Emergency Hot

Spare (EHSP) drives for Predictive Failure (PFA) events.

enableeug on|off Enables/disables the commissioning of Unconfigured

Good drives as Emergency Hot Spare (EHSP) drives

exposeencldevice on|off Enables/disables device drivers to expose enclosure

devices; for example, expanders, SEPs

dimmerswitch|ds Todo Dimmer Switch Commands. Todo Dimmer Switch Commands.
foreignautoimport on|off Imports foreign configuration automatically, at boot.
jbod on|off Enables/disables JBOD mode; by default, drives become system drives.

NOTE Not supported by all controllers

loadbalancemode on|off Enables/disables automatic load balancing between SAS phys or ports in a wide port configuration
maintainpdfailhistory on|off Maintains the physical drive fail history
migraterate 0 to 100 Sets data migration rate in percentage
patrolread|pr Todo Patrol Read Todo Patrol Read
perfmode 0: Tuned to provide best IOPS, currently

applicable to non-FastPath

1: Tuned to provide least latency, currently

applicable to non-FastPath

Performance tuning setting for the controller
pi on|off Enables/disables data protection on the controller
preventpiimport on|off Enables/disables import data protection drives on the controller
prcorrectunconfiguredareas on|off Correct media errors during PR by writing 0s to unconfigured areas of the disk
prrate 0 to 100 Sets patrol read rate of the virtual drives in percentage
rebuildrate 0 to 100 Sets rebuild rate of the drive in percentage
reconrate 0 to 100 Sets reconstruction rate for a drive in percentage
restorehotspare on|off Becomes a hot spare on insertion of a failed drive.
smartpollinterval 0 to 65535 Set time for polling of SMART errors in seconds
spinupdrivecount 0 to 255 Sets number of drives that are spun up at a time
spinupdelay 0 to 255 Sets spin-up delay between a group of drives or a set of drives, in seconds
stoponerror on|off Stops the MegaRAID BIOS during POST, if any errors are


time Valid time in yymmdd hh:mm:ss format or systemtime Sets the controller time to your input value or the system

time (local time in 24-hour format)

usefdeonlyencrypt on|off Enables/disables FDE drive-based encryption
