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A combined technologies with biology, computer science, mathmatics and statistics. [1]

Bioinfomatics workflow steps

  1. quality control assessmemt steps
  2. sequence alignment
  3. data summarization into genes/regions
  4. data annotation to genomics features
  5. statistical comparisons
  6. mutltiomic ingetration

Bioinfomatics curated software list[2]

  • Package suites
  • Data Tools
    • Downloading
    • Compressing
  • Data Processing
    • Command Line Utilities
  • Next Generation Sequencing
    • Workflow Managers
    • Pipelines
    • Sequence Processing
    • Data Analysis
    • Sequence Alignment
      • Pairwise
      • Multiple Sequence Alignment
      • Clustering
    • Quantification
    • Variant Calling
      • Structural variant callers
    • BAM File Utilities
    • VCF File Utilities
    • GFF BED File Utilities
    • Variant Simulation
    • Variant Prediction/Annotation
    • Python Modules
      • Data
      • Tools
    • Assembly
    • Annotation
  • Long-read sequencing
    • Long-read Assembly
  • Visualization
    • Genome Browsers / Gene Diagrams
    • Circos Related
  • Database Access
  • Resources
    • Becoming a Bioinformatician
    • Bioinformatics on GitHub
    • Sequencing
    • RNA-Seq
    • ChIP-Seq
    • YouTube Channels and Playlists
    • Blogs
    • Miscellaneous
  • Online networking groups

File format in Bioinfomatics

This section explains some of the commonly used file formats in bioinformatics[3]

File formats File extensions
FASTA .fa, .fasta, .fsa
FASTQ .fastq, .sanfastq, .fq

(Sequence Alignment Map)

BAM file.bam

(Variant Calling Format/File)


(General Feature Format or Gene Finding Format)

file.gff2, file. gff3, file.gff

(Gene Transfer format)


Usufull Tutorial Link

We can use BIOConda [4]

Bioconda only supports python 2.7, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 -> DLS38 can be used

Lib and sources

Libraries Mamba or manual Description References
meme[5] Mamba
BWA Mamba BWA is a software package for mapping low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome, such as the human genome. It consists of three algorithms: BWA-backtrack, BWA-SW and BWA-MEM.
samtools Mamba
ncbi-blast+[6] Manual ScalaBLAST is a high-performance multiprocessor implementation of the NCBI BLAST library. ScalaBLAST supports all 5 primary program types (blastn, blastp, tblastn, tblastx, and blastx) and several output formats (pairwise, tabular, or XML).

somatic-sniper Mamba a software for comparing tumor and normal pairs. The developer estimate its sensitivity and precision, and present several common sources of error resulting in miscalls.
breakdancer Mamba a  package that provides genome-wide detection of structural variants from next generation paired-end sequencing reads
tigra-sv[7] Manual a program that conducts targeted local assembly of structural variants (SV) using the iterative graph routing assembly (TIGRA) algorithm (L. Chen, unpublished). It takes as input a list of putative SV calls and a set of bam files that contain reads mapped to a reference genome such as NCBI
TopHat Please note that TopHat has entered a low maintenance, low support stage as it is now largely superseded by HISAT2 which provides the same core functionality[8] Not support Python 3
HISAT2 Mamba HISAT2 is a fast and sensitive alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads (both DNA and RNA) to a population of human genomes as well as to a single reference genome.
cufflinks[9] Manual manual install to prefix

(231216) hpcmate@223vmbase:~/biolib/download/cufflinks-2.2.1.Linux_x86_64$ ls -al
bedtools Mamba
mafft Mamba
maq Manual Maq stands for Mapping and Assembly with Quality It builds assembly by mapping short reads to reference sequences.


Why do you need MAQ? Its latest version is more than 10 years old - I think you would be better of using some newer program.

MAQ is really old, and by now it has problems compiling with current compilers. You can use the fpermissive flag to get it to compile:[10]

make CFLAGS="-Wall -m64 -D_FASTMAP -DMAQ_LONGREADS -g -O2 -fpermissive" CXXFLAGS="-Wall -m64 -D_FASTMAP -DMAQ_LONGREADS -g -O2 -fpermissive"

Note I took the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS from the Makefile, and appended -fpermissive to them. Your CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS may be different, check them before issuing make.

Three executables, `maq', `' and `', will be copied to /usr/local/bin by default.

muscle, Mamba
phyml Mamba
, primer3, Mamba
probcons, Mamba
sim4, Manual (231216) hpcmate@223vmbase:~/biolib/compile/sim4/sim4.2012-10-10$

tigr-glimmer mamba tigr-glimmer
amap-align ???
dialign -> dialign2 mamba
emboss mamba
exonerate mamba
kalign2 & kalign3 mamba
CNVnator mamba
CREST mamba
CAP3 mamba
Cluster -> mmseqs2 mamba
Cluster mamba
FastQC mamba
fastx_toolkit mamba
IGVTools mamba
MACS -> macs2 mamba Need Python < 3
Meerkat -> django-meerkat pip pip install django-meerkat
RNAcode mamba
RNAz mamba
RepeatMasker mamba
SNVMix2 manual, Version 0.11.8-r4

SOAPdenovo2-src mamba SOAPdenovo2 dependency -> samtool 0.1.9
VarScan mamba
ViennaRNA mamba
bismark mamba
blat mamba
circos mamba error : Is a directory: '/opt/anaconda/envs/231216/README' -> remov README directory


mamba ClustalW2 - Multiple Sequence Alignment[11] ClustalW, the command line version of clustalx

ClustalW2 is a general purpose DNA or protein multiple sequence alignment program for three or more sequences. For the alignment of two sequences please instead use our pairwise sequence alignment tools.

The ClustalW2 services have been retired. To access similar services, please visit the Multiple Sequence Alignment tools page. For protein alignments we recommend Clustal Omega. For DNA alignments we recommend trying MUSCLE or MAFFT. If you have any questions/concerns please contact us via the feedback link above.

clustalx need X window Multiple Sequence Alignment, Graphic interface

ClustalX, the graphical interface, is available in the Bioinformatics menu

cnD manual install (231216) hpcmate@223vmbase:~/biolib/compile/cnD$

cnD (Copy number variant detection) is a program to detect copy number variants from short read sequence data.

How to install



cpc -> CPC2 mamba
fasta -> fasta3 mamba The FASTA package - protein and DNA sequence similarity searching and alignment programs
gmap-gsnap -> gmap mamba gmap & gsnap packages
lobstr manual lobSTR is a tool for profiling Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) from high throughput sequencing data.

version 4.0.4

hpcmate@223vmbase:~/biolib/compile/lobstr-code$ apt install libgsl-dev autotools-dev libboost-all-dev libgsl-dev pkg-config zlib1g-dev zlib1g



meme mamba Linux 64, Open MPI is built with CUDA awareness but this support is disabled by default.                                                                             

To enable it, please set the environment variable OMPI_MCA_opal_cuda_support=true before                                                                                 

launching your MPI processes. Equivalently, you can set the MCA parameter in the command line:                                                                           

mpiexec --mca opal_cuda_support 1 ...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            In addition, the UCX support is also built but disabled by default.                                   

To enable it, first install UCX (conda install -c conda-forge ucx). Then, set the environment                                                                             

variables OMPI_MCA_pml="ucx" OMPI_MCA_osc="ucx" before launching your MPI processes.                                                                                     

Equivalently, you can set the MCA parameters in the command line:                               

mpiexec --mca pml ucx --mca osc ucx ...                                                                                                                                   

Note that you might also need to set UCX_MEMTYPE_CACHE=n for CUDA awareness via UCX.  Please consult UCX's documentation for detail.                                                                                                           

miRDP-> mirdeep2 mamba miRDeep-P (miRDP)  is a tool which can be used to detecting miRNAs in plants from deeply sequenced small RNA libraries. It was developed by modifying miRDeep, which is based on a probabilistic model of miRNA biogenesis in animals, with a plant-specific scoring system and filtering criteria.

miRDP2 is adopted from miRDeep-P (miRDP) with new strategies and overhauled algorithm.

mirdeep-p2 1.1.4 mamba A fast and accurate tool for analyzing the miRNA transcriptome in plants                                             
mirdeep2 mamba
picard-tools -> picard 3.1.1 mamba Java tools for working with NGS data in the BAM format


source :
rSeq: RNA-Seq Analyzer On 61 sever, /test/bioinfomatics/rseq/rseq-0.2.2-src
SNVMix2 imp@CGX-GPU:~/test/bioinfomatics/snvmix (master)$
Samtools SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) format is a generic format for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments
Breakdancer BreakDancer uses CMake which is a cross-platform build tool. Basically it will generate a Makefile so you can use make. The requirements are the zlib, development library, gcc, gmake, cmake 2.8+. Beginning with version 1.4.4, BreakDancer includes samtools as part of the build process

# --recursive option is important so that it gets the submodules too $ git clone --recursive
