Revision as of 17:41, 21 March 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs) (새 문서: === About UCM === UCM stands for "Universial Cluster Management". UCM has been developed to control multiple computer nodes under UCM based cluster by HPCMATE. === UCM Plugin === UCM has plugin architectures to supports various features as plugin along with default features {| class="wikitable" |+ !Name !Type !Location !Notes |- |UCMAgent |Systemd |each node |/etc/systemd/system/ucmagent.service |- | | | | |- | | | | |})
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About UCM

UCM stands for "Universial Cluster Management". UCM has been developed to control multiple computer nodes under UCM based cluster by HPCMATE.

UCM Plugin

UCM has plugin architectures to supports various features as plugin along with default features

Name Type Location Notes
UCMAgent Systemd each node /etc/systemd/system/ucmagent.service