Revision as of 14:30, 19 March 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs) (새 문서: === CUXFan service === HPCMATE cuxfan services is a systemd service to control fans in given server. cuxfan service has following components {| class="wikitable" |+ !Type !Path !Description !Notices |- |service |/etc/systemd/system |systemd service unit | |- |Python code |/opt/hpcmate/cux |cuxfan.conf |Use pynvme and pyyaml |- | | | | |} cuxfan service error - pip requirements sudo -H pip install --upgrade jsonschema==2.6.0 sudo -H pip install --upgrade pyyaml==5...)
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CUXFan service

HPCMATE cuxfan services is a systemd service to control fans in given server. cuxfan service has following components

Type Path Description Notices
service /etc/systemd/system systemd service unit
Python code /opt/hpcmate/cux cuxfan.conf

Use pynvme and pyyaml

cuxfan service error - pip requirements

sudo -H pip install --upgrade jsonschema==2.6.0

sudo -H pip install --upgrade pyyaml==5.4.1