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Show List Of Network Cards on Linux

lspci command : List all PCI devices.

#lspci | egrep -i --color 'network|ethernet'
#lspci | egrep -i --color 'network|ethernet|wireless|wi-fi'

lshw command : Linux identify Ethernet interfaces and NIC hardware.

#lshw -class network
$sudo lshw -class network -short

dmidecode command : List all hardware data from BIOS.

ifconfig command : Outdated network config

$ifconfig -a
$ip link show
$ip a

ip command : Recommended new network config .

$ip a show wlp82s0
$ip -br -c link show         # To list all interface, link status, MAC address, etc
$ip -br -c addr show         # similar list with IP address instead of MAC Address

hwinfo command : Probe Linux for network cards.

$sudo hwinfo --network --short

ethtool command : See NIC/card driver and settings on Linux.

$sudo ethtool -i eno1
$sudo ethtool -i enp0s31f6

/proc/net/dev file

The dev pseudo-file contains network device status information. This gives the number of received and sent packets, the number of errors and collisions and other basic statistics

$cat /proc/net/dev

Failed to set iommu for container: Invalid argument

A VM configured with a vGPU that supports SR-IOV may fail to start, This issue occurs because PCIe AER [Advanced Error Reporting] support was disabled in the BIOS settings of the server.