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NVIDIA Multi-Instance GPU

NVIDIA introduced MIG(Multi-Instance GPU) since Ampere architecture.

MIG feature allows a single GPU into multiple fully isolated virtual GPU devices that are efficiently sized per-user-case, specifically smaller use-cases that only require a subset of GPU resources.

MIG ensures to providing each instance's processors have separate and isolated paths through the entire memory system - the on-chip crossbar ports, L2 cache banks, memory controllers, and DRAM address busses are all assigned uniquely to an individual instanceenhanced isolation GPU resources.


Benefits of MIG on MIG featured GPU are

  • Physical allocation of resourdces used by parallel GPU workloads - Secure multi-tenant environments with isolation and predictable QoS
  • Versatile profiles with dynamic configuration - Maximized utilization by configuring for specfic workloads
  • CUDA programming model unchanged
