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12 December 2023
- 13:4013:40, 12 December 2023 diff hist +610 Smartctl →Configuring /etc/smartd.conf Tag: Visual edit
- 12:3912:39, 12 December 2023 diff hist +38 Smartctl →smartctl disks behind LSI array Tag: Visual edit
- 12:3812:38, 12 December 2023 diff hist +7 Smartctl →smartctl disks behind LSI array Tag: Visual edit
- 12:3112:31, 12 December 2023 diff hist +6 Smartctl →smartctl disks behind LSI array Tag: Visual edit
- 09:1209:12, 12 December 2023 diff hist +99 Manual:DLSSystem →Environment module Tag: Visual edit
- 09:1009:10, 12 December 2023 diff hist +201 Smartctl →Check RAID array list Tag: Visual edit
- 08:2708:27, 12 December 2023 diff hist 0 Smartctl →smartd using systemd Tag: Visual edit
- 08:0408:04, 12 December 2023 diff hist +150 Smartctl →Check latest version Tag: Visual edit
- 07:5707:57, 12 December 2023 diff hist +337 Smartctl →smartctl Tag: Visual edit
- 07:4207:42, 12 December 2023 diff hist +1,765 N Setup logwatch on Ubuntu Created page with " A log file is a collection of events and activities that have occurred over a specified period of time. The containing too much detailed and repeated information make system administrator very difficult to go through all logs. Logwatch is a customizable tool that analyzes system log files based on areas you specify. It then generates the report of what is happening on the server and email it to the specified address if you want == Setup logwatch == <syntaxhighlight l..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:3605:36, 12 December 2023 diff hist +302 Hyper-V GPU passthrough No edit summary current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:1805:18, 12 December 2023 diff hist +1,126 N Hyper-V GPU passthrough Created page with "Hyper-V supports is GPU passthrough, a feature that allows virtual machines to access the host’s GPU directly. this feature allows graphics intensive workloads like gaming or video editing on Hyper-V guest. == Requirements == * Need a GPU that supports GPU virtualization, such as NVIDIA GRID or AMD MxGPU technology * Your CPU needs to support IOMMU (Input-Output Memory Management Unit) virtualization, which is required for GPU passthrough * GPU passthrough is not sup..." Tag: Visual edit
- 04:5704:57, 12 December 2023 diff hist +1 Manual:DLSSystem/stress-ng No edit summary current Tag: Visual edit
- 04:5604:56, 12 December 2023 diff hist +29 Manual:DLSSystem →DLS Validation[edit | edit source] Tag: Visual edit
- 04:5304:53, 12 December 2023 diff hist +40 Manual:DLS validation No edit summary current Tag: Visual edit
- 04:5204:52, 12 December 2023 diff hist −3,130 Manual:DLS validation Replaced content with "==DLS Validation== Standalone system has three major validation scripts at ~hpcmate/setup folder * Manual:DLSSystem/stress-ng == References == <references />" Tags: Replaced Visual edit
- 04:5104:51, 12 December 2023 diff hist +3,161 Manual:DLSSystem/stress-ng No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 04:5004:50, 12 December 2023 diff hist +40 N Manual:DLSSystem/Validation Admin moved page Manual:DLSSystem/Validation to Manual:DLSSystem/stress-ng current Tag: New redirect
- 04:5004:50, 12 December 2023 diff hist 0 m Manual:DLSSystem/stress-ng Admin moved page Manual:DLSSystem/Validation to Manual:DLSSystem/stress-ng
- 04:4704:47, 12 December 2023 diff hist +40 Private:DLS jupyter conda →2. set jupyter kernel spec Tag: Visual edit
10 December 2023
- 17:3617:36, 10 December 2023 diff hist +5,846 Smartctl No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 14:0414:04, 10 December 2023 diff hist +389 Smartctl →Identify a defective hard drive Tag: Visual edit
- 13:4613:46, 10 December 2023 diff hist +189 Smartctl →smartctl over LSI array Tag: Visual edit
- 13:3213:32, 10 December 2023 diff hist +99 Smartctl No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 13:2813:28, 10 December 2023 diff hist +49 Smartctl No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 13:2413:24, 10 December 2023 diff hist +111 Smartctl No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 13:2013:20, 10 December 2023 diff hist −3 Smartctl →Identify a defective hard drive Tag: Visual edit
- 13:1913:19, 10 December 2023 diff hist +7,952 Smartctl No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 13:1713:17, 10 December 2023 diff hist +148 S.M.A.R.T. Attributes →General reference current Tag: Visual edit
- 12:3312:33, 10 December 2023 diff hist +339 Hardware RAID information on Linux No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 12:1612:16, 10 December 2023 diff hist +487 S.M.A.R.T. Attributes →General reference only Tag: Visual edit
- 11:5911:59, 10 December 2023 diff hist +645 N Smartctl Created page with "The smartctl Command Line Tool of Smartmontools is primarily used to query SMART attributes of hard drives and SSDs.<ref></ref> == Check RAID array list == can display which disks of the RAID controller are accessible. cat /proc/scsi/scsi == smartctl over LSI array == smartctl provides integrated support for MegaRAID controller sudo smartctl -a -d megaraid,N /dev/sdX Where <N> stands for the..." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:5611:56, 10 December 2023 diff hist +642 N Hardware RAID information on Linux Created page with "== Detect hardware RAID information == <syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> #Detect HW RAID controller information $lspci -knn | grep -i raid # install apt-get install lsscsi then list up HW raid manufacturer and model $lsscsi # Display the details about harddrives $lshw -class disk # 1 Find defined raid arrays then get device information $dmesg | grep -i scsi $smartctl --all /dev/<raid array> # To check physical disk health values smartctl --all -d <driver> command $ su..." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:5211:52, 10 December 2023 diff hist +20 SSD →Measuring wear Tag: Visual edit
- 11:5111:51, 10 December 2023 diff hist +8,223 N S.M.A.R.T. Attributes Created page with "'''S.M.A.R.T.''' ('''Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology'''; written as SMART) is a system for monitoring and early detection of errors of storage media such as hard disks or SSDs. <ref></ref> Most hard drives and SSDs have SMART functionality. However, the data provided by SMART, (SMART attributes), are different from manufacturer to manufacturer. == General reference only..." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:3811:38, 10 December 2023 diff hist +935 Storcli →References Tag: Visual edit
- 11:0211:02, 10 December 2023 diff hist +1,524 Manual:DLS validation No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 10:5210:52, 10 December 2023 diff hist +540 Private:Troubleshooting →c++: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program cc1plus current Tag: Visual edit
- 10:3910:39, 10 December 2023 diff hist +74 Manual:DLS validation →stress-ng[1] Tag: Visual edit
- 10:3610:36, 10 December 2023 diff hist +82 Manual:DLS validation →stress-ng[1] Tag: Visual edit
- 10:3610:36, 10 December 2023 diff hist +421 Manual:DLS validation →stress-ng[1] Tag: Visual edit
- 10:2910:29, 10 December 2023 diff hist −2 Manual:DLS validation →Generating a virtual memory pressure[2] Tag: Visual edit
- 10:2910:29, 10 December 2023 diff hist +21 Manual:DLS validation →Generating a virtual memory pressure[2] Tag: Visual edit
- 10:2810:28, 10 December 2023 diff hist +95 Linux Kernel Tuning No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 10:2410:24, 10 December 2023 diff hist +163 Private:Optimization No edit summary current Tag: Visual edit
- 10:2210:22, 10 December 2023 diff hist +767 Manual:DLS validation →stress-ng[1] Tag: Visual edit
- 10:0010:00, 10 December 2023 diff hist +161 Page cache in Linux →Tuning the Page Cache current Tag: Visual edit
9 December 2023
- 14:2014:20, 9 December 2023 diff hist +803 N Page cache in Linux Created page with "== cached vs buffers == Linux is a general purpose operating system instead of having specific code paths to perform what is right for a single specific task. Linux uses all excess memory for its page cache. The linux page cache can be seen in /proc/meminfo with the statistic “Cached.” while The “Buffers” memory area is a memory area that holds raw disk data, meant as an intermediate buffer between processes, the kernel, and disk == Tuning the Page Cache == Pag..." Tag: Visual edit
- 14:1814:18, 9 December 2023 diff hist +304 Manual:DLS validation No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 14:1314:13, 9 December 2023 diff hist −16 Linux Kernel Tuning →Reference Tag: Visual edit